
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fresh Perspectives

Hello all,
Life is good.I'm just about wrapping up my second to the last quarter,I can't believe at the end of summer I'll have my AA! I am so excited,nervous,thrilled,and ready to be done with the drudgery of it all,and finally get to the stuff I want to do!
I know most of you probably don't know,but I want to be a kindergarten teacher when I grow up.(I'm still growing up haha) I applied to Western Washington University,and in turn to their Woodring Education program.But what's neat,is the fact that through Olympic College,I can do the same exact program down here as I can up in Bellingham.I scheduled my group interview,and it's tomorrow night.I am kinda nervous,but I'm definitely ready to begin this leg of my journey.But to get there,I have to get though the rest of this quarter and the next.I've been stressing out about paying for school,making sure I get to see everybody in my life,and so much more.
But what I realized the other day,is that it's okay to ask for help.Even if I feel like I am being a burden,everyone is around me to for a reason: they care.And sometimes I forget that,and I need someone to remind me of it.Sometimes it's the most simplest of things too,my mom just looked at me and said I'll help you.And I felt so much better,you can never deny the feelings of relief that come from your mothers voice.
Life is definitely so much more relaxed now that I can see the end is in sight.I am so excited.But I know I can t overwork myself,because you're only one person and no one can deny that.There's only so much you can do in one day,that's why there is so many.
Lots of love ❤️

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